Learning Together
In the fall of 2023, we hosted information sessions to help us all learn more about what it means to go solar, what technology is available, what funding and financing options exist, and how we can work collaboratively to scale our impact. We had resource people at each of our meetings and we recorded their presentations. They are available here:
Solar Basics with Ben Guidicci, British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT)
Solar Technology and Assessments with Ben Guidicci, BCIT
Financing and Fundraising with Markus Virta, Cascadia Renewables
Interview with Lauren Clemens, Whatcom County Climate Action Manager
How to create a solar coop with Bret Fanshaw, Solar United Neighbors
Contact Us, Join Us!
We are a team of volunteer neighbors learning what it means to build a resilient community together. Any and all skill sets are welcome! If you want a free solar assessment, more info about solar and our resiliency work, and/or want to volunteer, please use this form which goes to a Resilient Point Roberts member who will respond specifically and never use your info or contact details for any other reason.